Thursday, November 15, 2012

Haiti Leaders Training Conference – 11.15.12.

Leaders Training Conference participants.

Today 100 Haitian church leaders representing seven different churches from four different cities and the surrounding communities learned Jesus’ discipleship model.  It is important for church leaders to know how they can train their congregations to disciple others.  Why?  Because Jesus commanded us to, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19).

John Huston teaching on leadership principles.
I have been sharing teaching duties with John Huston, a friend from Emmanuel Baptist Church in Johnstown, PA.  John is trained as an electrical engineer.  He earned his Master’s degree in organizational leadership.  I invited John to help me with this Leadership Training Conference (LTC) for a number of reasons: 1) I wanted him to share his leadership training expertise with the Haitian leaders; 2) I wanted John’s companionship on this trip; and 3) I know that God has something special in-store for John on this trip.  This is John’s first trip to Haiti and he has done a wonderful job teaching, sharing his life, and preaching his very first sermon - in a Haitian church through an interpreter!
Don & Exante teaching together.

These Haitian leaders are very good students.  They sit for long hours on hard benches to learn leadership principles from John and discipleship principles from me.  It is hot in the small and crowded classroom with the noise of a generator constantly running in the background.  But, in spite of the physical challenges, we are having a wonderful time learning God’s word together.

A number of our Truth Connect supporters have donated funds to help feed the leaders at lunch time.  Today our lunch was fried chicken, rice and beans, and a spicy pasta salad with a cold drink.  Thank you Truth Connect donors for helping to make this a very successful training week in Haiti!
Thank you Truth Connect donors!

Don and children at HOLD the children Home.
After our training session today John, Exante, and I went to visit HOLD the children Home in Lavaud.  Before I resigned from HOLD the children / Mission Discovery to start Truth Connect, I had the privilege to help create the vision for the orphanage, then see it constructed and finally become operational and receive its first orphaned children.  I still have a heart connection with the HOLD children.  And, I’m still involved with the orphanage as I serve on the Board of Directors of New Haitian Mission Baptist Association which owns and operates HOLD the children Home

Tomorrow is our final day of the LTC.  I would appreciate your prayers for God’s continued blessing for all the leaders who sacrificed to attend and for team here that is serving these leaders in Jesus name.