Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Haiti Leaders's Conference: Report, 11.14.12.

Looking toward where the National Palace once was
Haiti is changing.  I arrived on Monday with John Huston, a friend from my home church who will help me teach the Leadership Conference.  Port au Prince has made good progress in removing rubble created by the earthquake almost 3 years ago.  The most obvious remaining physical signs of destruction are the National Palace site and the various ministry buildings that have been leveled but not rebuilt.

Pastor Exante has an orphanage in Port au Prince that cares for 43 children.  We enjoyed our visit with these precious little ones.

On Tuesday we met with a dear friend, Jean Chavannes Jeune.  Chavannes has an amazing story here in Haiti.  His organization oversees 487 primary schools, 81 high schools, 17 professional schools and a university in Port au Prince.  Chavannes was also a candidate for president of Haiti but lost to President Martelly.  After our meeting we then flew north to Port-de-Paix on the northern coast.

John, Chavannes, Exante, Don

Today we began the Leadership Training for church leaders in a small school in Port-de-Paix.  Delegations have come from near and far to participate in the training hosted by Dr. Cherelus Exante and the New Haitian Mission Baptist Association.  John Huston and I are the teachers for this conference.  John is focusing on organizational leadership.  My focus is on Global Missions and Church Leadership and Discipleship.  This first of three days of seminars had 85 participants and more are expected tomorrow.
There is a great sense of eagerness to learn, opportunity to grow, and the very sweet Spirit of Jesus in and through it all.
Haitian Leaders at Truth Connect Training Seminar in Port-de-Paix.
Enjoying a lunch provided by Truth Connect supporters.