Monday, April 13, 2015

Truth Connect & Evangelistic Outreach, Port-de-Paix, Haiti

Truth Connect was in Port-de-Paix, Haiti March 23-28, 2015 for a Leadership Training Conference (LTC).  Pastor Cherelus Exante was the event coordinator (see previous posts).  He is the founder and president of the New Haitian Mission Baptist Association, a conglomerate of over 30 churches, schools and orphanages in Haiti, the Bahamas and the U.S.A.  Pastor Exante also organized the annual Evangelistic Outreach that was held in downtown Port-de-Paix at a public school's outdoor amphitheater.    Each evening a number of local church choirs and musicians would sing to approximately 700 - 1,000 people in attendance.  The worship and praise was very expressive and energetic.  Mission Discovery had a small mission team in Port-de-Paix ministering at HOLD the children Home, its orphanage in Lavaud.  Their team also sang each night of the crusade.  Pastor Exante asked me to preach three of the four nights we attended the outreach and it was my privilege to do so.  The Lord had impressed upon me to warn the people to prepare for the end times and the day of final judgment.  This was the theme of each of my three messages - the end is coming; each person will be held accountable by God; Jesus said to prepare and be ready to meet God.  Each night after I preached, Pastor Exante would give an invitation imploring people to trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the hope of new life ~ many did.  They expressed their faith by coming forward to the platform to kneel, to pray and to be prayed over.  It was a beautiful and powerful experience to see the Holy One deliver and heal people who humbled themselves before the Lord and believed the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  For the past 2,000 years God has been saving and helping all who call upon Him by faith!

Pastor Exante and Don prepare to minister at the Community Evangelistic Outreach.

Don preached and Gabriel was his talented interpreter.

Don and Gabriel working together to communicate the gospel truth.

Pastor Exante gave the invitation to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, for healing, for help and hundreds came forward seeking God's help.